Tuesday, June 25, 2013


最近雾越来越严重在 MALAYSIA !大家要喝多水,少外出,带口罩哦 :) 
今天还蛮无聊,因为天气的缘故 弄到很多课暂停了。今天明天都只有一课而已。

有时不懂是不是上天的安排。我发觉当我开始上大学时,我的改变还蛮多 但改变的定义不懂是好还是坏,只能慢慢发觉自己的问题 :) 但我喜欢我现在的生活,去学校可以天天看到他,24小时天天粘在一起! *幸福幸福   

不知不觉已近认识他236天了:) 认识的时间不长但也不短。至少在这200多天我慢慢知道他的用心,细心,关心,爱心,单纯,保护 和 霸道。 哈哈!不懂你觉得不觉得你慢慢开始变回原本的你 :) 天天可以看见你,逗你,弄你 还真的满幸福的 :D 

当然,我也开始变回以前的我。说真的,我知道自己是野蛮女友 所以我不爽不喜欢就会给丑脸 你发觉嘛?你当然发觉啦,你知道了就会骂我生气我 让后给我看那可怕的眼神 :( 不过,让我很温暖的是,就算你气我 你也不会放我走 不会丢下我不管 不会不理我 :) 说真的,没有不吵架的情侣 但不会因为吵架而不再不理你   

你天天都怕你太过保护我,怕我订不顺,怕我觉得烦,怕我危险,怕我吃亏,怕我糊里糊涂做事,怕我不照顾自己,怕我寂寞,怕我饿,怕我生气,怕我这个怕我那个  但你知不知道其实如果有一天你不再怕的时候,那时我就会很怕很怕! 我已经习惯你的对待,你说 我还能怕什么?   

其实,我爱你的方式很不同。我不会嘴里说出爱你的话,只会说反话 HAHAHA! 不懂你发不发觉当你跟你的朋友说; 我有小惠就够了! 我就会傻傻的说;哈? :D  我不会表达出来 因为我很害羞 很开心 也很窝心。 有时你说甜言蜜语时,我就会假假听不到 让后就不理你 不给你反应 失望吗? 对不起哦 :)


情爱的,我爱你 :) 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dating day with desserts :D

Guess every youngster will give it a try :D

Malaysian is good in promoting those unique and special "food"! HAHAHA, youngster nowadays love to show off what current activity they do and post it in instagram or facebook! So, DO I :D *I'm still youngster :D

Dating with my lovely boyfriend with another couple. Most of my university mate is having partner be their side, so do I :) Hehehe. Actually, at first we planning go to Grand Hyatt Hotel for tea session but because we park our car at Farenheit 88 and by walking distance we able to reach Grand Hyatt Hotel, we stop in Pavilion to try "something new" -- Nitrogen Ice Cream :) 

Its look delicious ; but for me it just a normal ice cream with gases HAHA! 

credited to my babie :) helping me taking photos while waiting the ice cream done ! :P

Sooner, we went from pavilion to the KLCC as Grand Hyatt Hotel just beside the KLCC Convention Centre. To be truth, I'm so happy to go such place with my boy as this is the first time I'm going such high class place just to get a tea session :) Its like trying a new thing with my boy :) Amazing feelings. Oops :P

This is the desserts. Its nice but toooo sweet for me :P 

I love the environment cause the place its just in front of the KLCC building 

took so many picture with bie, but no one is nice :( so , just post a ugly photo of me and you :)

Be grateful that I'm able to be the one I love. Going somewhere new and eating something unique but not with you, I guess I wouldn't be as happy as that. I'm happy that I earn something bonus today as I able to try something new with him together :) I always been so appreciate the moment with him even just a small dating or go to have a lunch :) Not being silly but I think those moment is more than enough :)